
The Joy-Pi Software: Intuition meets education
Welcome to the fascinating world of Joy-Pi software! Here, technology and pedagogy merge into an experience designed for beginners and experienced users alike.
Our Joy-Pi software was developed with one clear goal in mind: To provide an intuitive and educational experience for every user who uses one of our Joy-Pis. Whether it's the first time or the hundredth, the software ensures that every step, every feature, and every module is easy to understand and access.
Whether on the Joy-Pi Advanced or the Joy-Pi Note, the software ensures a consistent, streamlined user experience. This means that no matter which device you choose, the intuitive operation, clear instructions, and impressive features remain consistent.

From the basis to the detail! Here, all included modules are explained in an understandable way and, including sample codes, the programming method is dealt with.
With the Joy-Pi Advanced the module section becomes a gigantic knowledge base! From electro-technical details, deep insights and schematics to the exact explanation of programming for each supported microcontroller. No detail is left out here!

Learning Stations
Learning on a new level. While the Joy-Pi Note tracks individual progress via a user system and provides step-by-step instructions including solutions, the Joy-Pi Advanced relies on self-initiative.
With challenging tasks, helpful tips and sample solutions at the end, the learning effect and individual initiative is encouraged.

Device selection (Joy-Pi Advanced only)
The choice of the appropriate microcontroller influences the entire user experience. The preferred microcontroller can be selected here, which affects texts, tasks and explanations in all menus. A personalized experience, precisely tailored to the user's needs.